Jul 10, 2023 | Factory farming, One Health
Will avian influenza cause the next global pandemic? Scientists suspect highly pathogenic avian influenza may already be endemic in the Americas and Europe. With more and more news stories cropping up about new strains of avian flu, it’s difficult to know exactly how...
Mar 22, 2021 | Fish farms, One Health
The environmental impact of fish farming in the Mediterranean Sea The cages float on the surface of the sea. They can be seen clearly from the shore: 27 circles 20-30 metres in diameter, each hiding underwater nets that contain hundreds of thousands of fish. Some are...
Sep 21, 2020 | Factory farming, One Health
Biosecure farms complete with staff quarantine and chutes for dead pigs are seen as progress, but may carry their own risks The buildings do not even look like farms. They are huge grey concrete blocks, many storeys high, which stand side by side in the middle of what...
Apr 26, 2020 | Deforestation, Factory farming, One Health
According to different estimates based on FAO data, every year globally over 150 billion animals (also taking into account fishing) end up in our food production cycle, of which at least 80 billion through intensive farming. The magnitude of this number is even more...
Apr 21, 2020 | Deforestation, One Health
“The destruction of ecosystems is behind the increase of diseases of animal origin”, says Inger Andersen, director general of the UN environment program (Unep). In 2016, the United Nations Environment Program UNEP published a report (Frontiers 2016) in...
Apr 7, 2020 | Deforestation, One Health
The invisible link between the emergence of new epidemics, deforestation and our consumption and production patterns 2020 will go down in history as the year we faced the Covid-19 pandemic. 2019 as the year in which, from the Amazon to Australia, we reached record...